The Corporate Mall
A Place for Business.
Succeed Locally, Reach Nationally.
The gateway to Local, and National Business Networks. It is a match-making experience that provides growth and developmental opportunities, along with the ability to procure services and participate in ideal programs, projects, and consortiums.
Business-to-Business Exchange.
Offering assistance to help identify and help structure a request to match members’ needs. Constantly improving the Business to Business (B2B) experience with new demands and supplies, improving the prospect for growth and developmental opportunities.

Success and Feasibility
Conducting business with confidence is paramount, which is what this experience provides, through a transparent and competitive matchmaking system enhanced with local market insight. An experienced team is also available to assist members in structuring requests for complex Business to Business (B2B) services.
Offering and Seeking
The Order book is for both offering one’s products and services as well as what one is seeking for its own needs. The Order book is organized into 4 key business decision groups that help steer inquiries. These 4 key business groups are:

Promotion and Visibility
Service to increase brand recognition across The Business Hub’s local and national network. This enables members to promote their own profile, services, and products, as well as potential partnerships in business opportunities. By utilizing this service in the Corporate Mall’s physical and virtual environments, members can enhance their brand awareness to empower their presence and generate leads.

Relationship Referral
The Business Hub actively establishes relationships that creates a portfolio of new orders of demand and supply. The key is long term relationships to secure reoccuring transactions in addition to one-off needs. The Corporate Mall, also provides opportunities for members to monetize their own network of relations by embracing the referral mechanism of the Corporate Mall.

Payment and Delivery
The option of utilizing services to increase members cash flow management efficiency. Qualifying as an approved vendor status enables members to utilize a fast and secure payment method for B2B transactions; The service pays the invoices upfront to the vendor and oversees the delivery of the service or product. By utilizing this service, members can optimize B2B interactions without any financial obstacles.